It seems I am extremely far behind in the blogging world. I honestly don't know how some people do it? I can barely write a few posts a month! There has been a lot of shooting this month, and less time on the computer as I try to balance both jobs and try to make sure Jeff still remembers who that girl is that keeps
drooling in his bed sitting next to him on the couch at the end of the night. Thankfully he is supportive and understanding and one of my biggest fans. He thinks I am capable of more than I think I am 9 so do my parents). The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. To be honest though, it has been extremely challenging, but also extremely fun. I have really enjoyed shooting, and continuing to learn. Mistakes have been made, and lessons have been learned, and I hope those lessons will carry me far through my photography journey.

I shot my first wedding at the beginning of July. Those pictures are coming along slowly, but surely as I try to remind myself that not every shot has to be perfection. There are moments where I become overwhelmed with emotion looking at them and reliving the moments of one of the most special days in two peoples lives. Other times I want to hide under the covers at the thought of editing all of these pictures! Still, there is a question in my mind about why they chose ME, but I am grateful and honored at the same time. I pretty much feel that way when anyone asks me to photograph them. I do it. Not perfectly, but I do.
I am overwhelmed, and I am extremely grateful.
That is all.
Happy Tuesday!