July 15, 2011

Alisa and Jonathan- 4 years and The Sweet Life in Wine Country

Chico, California is where our friendship began. She lived in the apartment below me and we have been best friends pretty much since the day we met. Some of my fondest memories are speed walking on hot summer nights with our hot pink, slightly geriatric 2lb arm weights that we would hide behind or backs when we walked past the fraternity houses. We shopped at Wet Seal (seriously) , and carefully planned what we would wear to Joe's Bar. I helped her celebrate her 21st birthday, a rite of passage in a college town.  We spent 9-11  together glued to the TV, watching in horror and we were driving through the pineapple fields in Hawaii celebrating our college graduation when my Dad called and told us the USA declared war on Iraq. I will remember those moments forever.

 There is something about that time in my life that is magical. If you can call having no money and making incredibly poor choices in men magical.... We did it though. We lived it up. I have no regrets ( okay maybe a few, but let's just pretend okay). There were times we could finish each others sentences, and even today when we Instant Message there are at least a couple times a day when we type the exact same thing at the same time. I could probably go my whole life and not find another friend like her. I wish everyone had an "Alisa". I am so lucky to have her. She knows who I am, with all of my faults....and loves me anyway. No judging, just a kind ear and an open heart.

She is beautiful. Inside and out, upside down and inside out. See for yourself.

It feels like just yesterday she was planning her wedding. Wine cork place cards, green hydrangeas, white peonies, fresh lemons. It was perfect, romantic, and everything she dreamed of. Standing beside her as her Maid of Honor, there was no place I would have rather been.  Jonathan completed her story, and opened the chapter to the next part of her life. My only requirement for her husband was that he makes her happy, and he sure does. There's nothing more I could wish for her than this. Happy 4 year Anniversary!

Alisa and Jonathan recently moved to wine country. There house is on a vineyard and it suits them perfectly. They even have chickens!!!! It's pretty much a photographers dream. Thankfully they were kind enough to indulge in my vineyard photo shoot fantasy. Thanks for indulging me. These photos make me so happy.

I know I'm going to hear about this post tomorrow. You see, Alisa doesn't always recognize  just how beautiful she really is. There WILL be at least eight pictures she doesn't like (it's probably not her "good side"),  but I see it. She's stunning, and she's got a wonderful husband who loves her more than anything. What could be more beautiful than that? Plus, don't worry Alisa, the only people who read this blog are you and my Mom anyway. Hi Mom!! :)

Wishing you two many, many more years of love and happiness. I love being a part of your life together.

Love ,

p.s. Jonathan can really COOK!! This is his bruschetta on his homemade bread. Yeah, I know..... awesome.