June 21, 2011

Mckenzie & Preston

Their mama is my oldest, dearest friend. I can count on one hand (okay, maybe two) the number of ladies I can call my friends, but there is something really special about the person who I went through all of my "firsts" with, and the fact that I can still call her one of my best friends is something I hold very close to my heart.

Jenny was the first person I saw after I passed my driving test, and most likely my first brave passenger! We shared a limo to the homecoming dance and had sleep-overs the night before the first day of school, ensuring we would find the perfect outfit the night before.  I was with her the night she met her husband, and danced with them at their wedding as Jenny's Maid of Honor. We were there for one another through boyfriends, bad break-ups, broken down cars, too many cocktails (hello tequila) and now her babies....those beautiful babies. Loving those babies is so easy. Not only because they are beautiful, and they really are, but mostly because they are a part of someone so special.

Mckenzie is an absolute doll, and very sweet unless you take her too far from her mama. She loves her something fierce, and doesn't dare let Jenny put her down to get things done during the day. Mckenzie's Dad can make her smile HUGE, and she adores her big brother. It's just about one of the sweetest things I've ever seen. My bet is as soon as she can walk, she will be following him everywhere (whether he likes it or not).


Preston is their first baby. The one who made Jen a mama for the first time and he is something special. He speaks with a vocabulary far beyond his years, and his knowledge of the states, their capitals and the faces on American currency puts me to shame. What a little stinker! I'll forgive him since he's so darn cute ;).

Jen and Aaron, you are rock stars as parents and your kids are wonderful. I can't wait to see them grow.....

Love, Shea