May 16, 2011

Seashell Hunter

**These pictures were taken back in February and I debated publishing this post. I decided to go for it. better late than never right?

It was bitter cold (for a Native Californian) Sunday, but the clouds were amazing. I looked up and couldn't stop smiling. He knew I had a new lens in my bag and couldn't wait to use it. Off to the coast we went.

 I'm not sure if he knows it, but the coast is where I first knew I loved him. He's a seashell hunting convert and now we can't help ourselves hunt them on every single beach we visit. To be honest, he has a interesting  taste in seashells, but I love him none the less...... Spur of the moment trip to the beach just so I could capture the beauty of the day in a place we both love.

The skies were dramatic, just the way I like them.

This spot has the absolute BEST sand. It's more like tiny little bits of seashell and colorful rock. just awesome. We may or may not "borrow" small buckets full from time to time ;).

The sunset...oh the sunset. I spent a good amount of time helping a random guy with his first DSLR get his settings off auto to take a decent picture. I almost missed it!

Happy sunsets to you all.....wherever you are.

